KAP Bharata, Arifin, Mumajad & Sayuti opened the opportunity for fellow students who wanted to work internships, study for real work, or research internships as auditors. KAP BAMS has interacted with various students from leading universities from Aceh, Jabodetabek, to Yogyakarta and Surabaya in assisting various studies on accounting and finance. Our office has been integrated and associated with OJK, BPK, IAPI, IAI, and P2PK Ministry of Finance. KAP BAMS is also registered as a partner with BI, Bank Papua, Eximbank, Maybank, and BRI.
- Students in semester 4 or more, (for headquarters)
- Vocational Accounting Students (for branch offices)
- From the Accounting Department (preferably) or majoring in Financial Management, Business / Commerce Administration, Mathematics, Development Economics, Information Systems.
- Minimum GPA of 2.50 out of 4.00
- Commit to work for at least 2 months and a maximum of 5 months
- Willing to domicile / boarding behind the head office of the cap / south-Jakarta area and come to work outside the area during an internship.
Send your curriculum vitae / CV to our email.